



We support this project because the fight for equal opportunities cannot begin soon enough.


Under the management and supervision of the chikondis association, the country’s first birth center is being built in the East African country of Malawi. The services offered by the “Pachikondis Birthclinic” are extensive and varied:

Midwives receive the necessary professional training and further education to be able to competently care for mother and child in all phases of pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Mothers are provided with comprehensive information, preventative care and advice. And the children are allowed to gently see the light of day, receive expert care and can start life as stress-free and securely as possible.

“chikondis” is not only a popular name in Malawi, it also means love and admiration in the local language, which every mother and every child deserve. We also feel this admiration for the commitment of the chikondis team around the founder and chairwoman Swantje Lüthge. This is why Daniel Haver, founder of the UMBRUCH Gruppe, is supporting the construction and operation of the birthing center.


To chikondis

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