We are shaping the future of the Uckermark. As far as our dreams reach.

To the projects

Preserve values.

The future of the Uckermark region can only lie in its history. That is why our initiatives and projects serve first and foremost to protect and preserve one of Europe’s most beautiful natural landscapes, its enormous biodiversity and outstanding cultural monuments.

Develop perspectives.

With infrastructure projects, cultural promotion and social commitment, we want to offer current and future generations a place full of opportunities, inspiration and prospects. For locals, newcomers and tourists alike.

Experience community.

A region’s most important resource is its people. That is why we want to create places that facilitate exchange, cooperation and mutual support. With all openness, freedom and tolerance.

We alone cannot save the world. But we can preserve some of its most beautiful places. These are the UMBRUCH projects for our home region of Uckermark.

Our core project.


Monument protection in mind, the common good at heart. This is how the former “Wirtshaus zur Klostermühle” became the “Klosterschänke” (German for monastery tavern). And the entire area is to be transformed into the KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg. A new, forward-looking event, tourism and cultural center for the Boitzenburg region – and for everyone who loves it.

About the project

We do.

The UMBRUCH Gruppe’s own projects for the sustainable development of the Uckermark region.

We support.

Social and charitable organizations at regional and international level.

To the projects

So much is possible in this region. If we work together.

“Since I have lived here, I am always amazed when I am out and about in Boitzenburger Land. The history is so tangible: Castles, manor houses, churches, farms, intact villages, the silence, the undulating, vast land, the lonely lakes, the ancient forests. I want to play my part in ensuring that this region preserves its heritage and exploits its enormous potential.”

Daniel Haver
Founder and Managing Director, UMBRUCH Gruppe

More about us

Do you have any questions?

Our FAQs provide many answers. You are also welcome to contact us directly. We welcome any dialog on the future of the Uckermark.
