The area around the monastery ruins is one of the oldest settled areas in Boitzenburg. The former mill is now a museum and the former stable was used for many years as the “Wirtshaus zur Klostermühle”. Now this building is being completely renovated and modernized according to all the rules of art and monument protection as well as with a lot of love for the history of the place.
In addition to a large dining room, the new Klosterschänke will also house an event room and ten guest rooms on the top floor. The restaurant, a beer garden and open spaces will once again make the Klosterschänke a popular meeting place for residents and a new attraction for tourists.
The more the Klosterschänke develops, the more curiously our eyes and thoughts wander over the entire area. We discover new potential behind every old wall. We would also like to plan the future of the monastery mill and the barn in consultation with the municipality.
We can hardly wait to turn the site into a new place of longing far beyond the Boitzenburg region as a monastery park.
We are developing the area around the monastery mill as a holistic concept in order to exploit the potential of this special place. We call it the “KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg”.
Important note: The schedule outlined is provisional and also dependent on external factors. Dates may still change, but our commitment remains.
Opening of the complete KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg with new monastery mill and barn.
Opening of the new Klosterschänke.
We start building the Klosterschänke and submit the building applications for the monastery mill and the barn.
Subject to the approval of the municipal council, we are starting to develop the concept for the monastery mill and the barn with architects, heritage conservationists and specialist planners.
We submit the building application for the new Klosterschänke.
The members of the Boitzenburger Land municipal council vote on the sale of the monastery mill and barn.
At a public information event, we present the background to the planned acquisition of the monastery mill and barn in Boitzenburg to interested citizens and introduce our vision for the KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg.
The concept for the Klosterschänke is being revised in consultation with the monument protection authority.
We are drawing up a detailed concept for the KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg, which also includes the plans for the monastery mill and barn.
We commission a market value appraisal for the monastery mill and the barn, as well as a substance analysis for both buildings.
Together with the architects and the monument protection authority, we assess the substance of the Klosterschänke.
The complete dismantling of the interior elements such as the floors, suspended ceiling and heating system provides a glimpse behind the façade of the Klosterschänke.
We are presenting the concept for the Klosterschänke to the public for the first time on Brandenburg Building Culture Day 2023.
The municipal council decides to sell the Klosterschänke to UMBRUCH Gruppe GmbH.
We report on the information event on 28 November at which we presented our plans for KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg.
The Nordkurier has collected voices on the information event in Boitzenburg: “Bürger sehen Chancen, aber auch Risiken in der Privatisierung des Kleinodes”
The Nordkurier newspaper reports on the information event in Boitzenburg: “Unternehmer will Klostermühle samt Scheune für künftigen Klosterpark kaufen”
Daniel Haver, founder of the UMBRUCH Gruppe, talks about his love for the Uckermark, his plans for the KLOSTERSCHÄNKE and the opportunities it offers.
The Nordkurier reports on the community’s previous attempts to revitalise the old ‘Wirtshaus zur Klostermühle’ – and how it was finally sold to the UMBRUCH Gruppe.