26 February 2025
The municipality has given its approval: KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg is coming.
26 February 2025
The municipality has given its approval: KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg is coming.
Thank you, Boitzenburger Land!
We are delighted with the result of the vote following the meeting of the municipal council on 26 February 2025: 11 out of 14 municipal representatives voted in favour. There were two abstentions and one vote against. This means that the sale of the monastery mill and neighbouring barn to our UMBRUCH Gruppe has been approved. The coming months and years will still demand a lot from us, but today we are above all:
1. Grateful for the trust. The monastery area with the mill has an inestimable historical, cultural and emotional value for the community. We are therefore all the more grateful for the trust placed in our plans. Our promise to the common good applies: KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg is being created for the community. And it is being created together with the community.
2. Proud of what has been achieved. The joint journey began almost two years ago with the acquisition of the monastery barn. Since then, we have increasingly realised how the UMBRUCH Gruppe, the partners involved and, above all, the citizens are pulling together. That something can be created together. We are already proud of this sign of a joint departure, which we also want to send out to the entire Uckermark region.
3. Full of energy and respect for what lies ahead. The KLOSTERPARK Boitzenburg was previously a vision. With the decision of the municipal council, it will become a reality. As happy as we are today, we also know that the work is only just beginning. We are ready to invest and get to work. Because we know that we have many citizens, politicians and experts on our side.
26 February 2025 was a great day for the UMBRUCH Gruppe. Now we will do everything we can to ensure that it will be a great day for the future of the Boitzenburg region.